Installation instructions for products 2012 and newer
If you don’t see your product or vehicle year listed below, search Legacy Products (2011 and older).
For diagnostic flowcharts, pinpoint steps or further assistance, please contact Tech Support.
Advanced Fast Idle System III (AFIS)
AIM (see Upfitter Interface Module® +)
AutoGARD™ (AG)
Basic Plow Module (BPM)
Blackout Module (BOM)
Bluetooth Module (BTM)
Break Out Box (BOBe)
Brake Retarder Controller (BRC)
Camera Controller (CAM)
CAN Vehicle Controller (CVC)
CATalert™ (CATA)
Chime Mute Module (RCMP)
Crank Disable (CD)/Crank Enable (CE)
Cruise Control Module (CCM)
Door Lock Module (DLM)
Dump Truck Warning System (DTS)
EcoLock™ (ECL)
EcoRaiser (RSA)
EcoStar™ (ECO)
EcoStar™ III (ECO3)
EcoStar/Engine Monitoring System (ECOEMS)
Emergency Door Module (EDM)
Engine Monitoring & Shutdown (EMS)
eVolution (EVO/EVP/WIN)
Expansion Board
Feniex Interface Module® (FIM)
FlexSpeak™/FlexSpeak ADA (VAM)
FlexTech™ (PRC)
Gateway (GTWY)
HawkEye Plus/HelpGard Plus (HAWK)
Hazard Flashers (HZF)
HighLock (HL)
IdleGuard™ (IDG)
IdleLock™/IdleLock AutoSense™ (IDLE)
Idle Timer Controller/Disable (ITC/ITD)
Intelligent Lift Interlock System, Electronic Door (ILISP)
Intelligent Lift Interlock System, Manual Door (ILISC)
Intelligent Switch Module (ISM)
J1939 Translator
Lift Interlock (LOCK)
LockBoss (WTDL)
Park Crank Only (PCOM)
Police Interface Module (PIM)
Pre-Trip Module (PTM)
Protected Idle Output (PIO)
RSA (see EcoRaiser)
Safe-T-Net (STN)
School Bus Flasher (SBF)
Seat Belt Minder (SBM)
Seat Belt Monitor (NFPA)
Speed Sentinel™ II (SS)
Starter Disable (SD)
Surveillance Mode Module™ (SMM)/ Officer Protection Package
Switchbacker Board
Tail Light Controller (TLC)
TempGuard (TG)
Upfitter Interface Module® (UIM)
Upfitter Interface Module® + (AIM/UIMP)
Vehicle Interface Module (VIM)
WIN see eVolution (WIN)
Wiper Controller Module (WCM)
Work Truck Shift Interlock (WTSI)