Register Warranty

Register your product by filling out and submitting this registration form to secure an additional year of warranty for this product. The extended warranty period for products registered electronically to InterMotive is two years from installation or in-service data.
You must contact InterMotive (800-969-6080) for instructions prior to diagnosing and repairing any InterMotive product.

View our Warranty Policy. (Please fill in all fields - Required fields are in red.)

Product Model No.:
(Located on Warranty Card)
Product Serial No.:
(Located on Warranty Card) Input all characters
End User Name:
Street Address:
State: Zip:
Phone Numbers use the following format: 888-888-8888 or 888.888.8888
End User Confirming Email:
In-Service or Delivery Date : Choose date...

Lift Manufacturer (if applicable):
Installing Company Name:
Installing Company Confirmation Email:

*The warranty period for products in cases where the warranty card is not returned or electronically submitted to InterMotive will begin on the date the product is first sold.